Other Writings* **

Clinton and His Brothers (short story)
John Loves Ginny (short story)
Upward and Onward (personal essay)
Way of the Jihadist (nonfiction)
Queen of the Lazy Leopard (short story)
Seduction Gone Awry (short story)
Unsettling But Certain Truth (poem)
Singles on the Prowl (short story)
In Search of My Good Death (essay)
Dealing with Big Willie (short story)
Trip to Pearland (short story)
Wishes for Keshav and Akshaya (poem)
Hindus are Monotheists (nonfiction)
That Old Time Religion (short story)
Nasty-Filthy-Dirty Things (poem)
Patti and I in Fun Times (short story)
Just One of the Hippies (poem)
Same-Sex Sex and Civil Unions (essay)
My Younger Brother Henry (memoir)
Class Systems, Religion, and Economic Progress (essay)
Mother Finally Made It (short story)
Yahooisms in Pronunciation (essay)
Limbs on the Evergreens (poem)
*Some of the writings listed here and others not listed have been published in various journals, reviews, magazines, and newspapers, including Adelaide Literary Magazine, The Lyric, CafeLit Magazine, Intellectual Conservative, Galaxy, The Criterion: An International Journal in English, Meat for Tea: The Valley Review, Oklahoma Review, Midwest Poetry Review, The Poet's Pen, Artword Quarterly, Writer's Exchange, The Blind Man's Rainbow, An Anthology of Christian Poetry, International Poetry Review, Shepard, Angel News Magazine, Heartlight Journal, Immortal Voices, MidAtlantic Review, Black Cat Quarterly, Midwest Literary Magazine, Omaha World Herald, and ViewsHound.
**Although not listed, authored and coauthored nonfiction/research articles have been published in various economics journals, including Review of Economics and Statistics, Journal of Macroeconomics, Journal of Monetary Economics, Southern Economic Journal, and Journal of Development Studies. In addition, economic commentaries have been published in the research outlets of the Economic Research Service in Washington D. C.