
- Fiction -
People Alive: Short Stories and Memoirs, Vancouver Books 2023.
Never Defeated: The Rineharts of 82nd Street, Grove 49 eBooks 2019.
Light at the End of the Dark: The Marianne Kennedy Story, Grove 49 eBooks 2016.
Foreigner: In the Shadow of the Square, Grove 49 eBooks 2016.
Foreigner: In the Shadow of the Square, Inkwater Press 2009.
- Nonfiction* -
Stirring Up the Pot: Hot Topic Essays, Vancouver Books 2023.
Micro and Macro Economics Simplified, Vancouver Books 2021.
Micro and Macro Supply and Demand: A Basic Text, Vancouver Books 2017.
The Writings of a Curious Mind: Essays, Memoirs, and Short Stories, Vancouver Books 2017.
- Poetry -
My Best: So Says Zhang Fu Lai, Grove 49 eBooks 2023.
Heartfelt: Short Prose and Poetry, Vancouver Books 2023.
Alive!: Short Prose and Poetry, Vancouver Books 2019.
Reflections: A Collection of the Author's Short Prose and Poetry, Vancouver Books 2019.
Perceptions: Prose and Other Poetry, Grove 49 eBooks 2016.
Alive with Thoughts and Feelings: Prose and Other Poetry, Vancouver Books 2004.
*Although not listed, out of print authored and coauthored nonfiction books, along with their foreign language editions, were published by Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs NJ (1975 and 1982) and McGraw-Hill, New York NY (1977 and 1984).